What is Terra Liberta?
Terra Liberta is a People’s Organization that fights for land and freedom inseparably. It organizes working, marginalized and excluded people, whether from the countryside or the city. It emerged in 2021 in the midst of a land occupation in the city of Fortaleza (CE), bringing together a group of militants and occupiers who came from a tradition of autonomous struggles against the state and bosses.
It has four immediate objectives:
- Building decent housing.
- Community life without oppression.
- Respect for people’s territories.
- Work in communion with nature.
Its historical objective is to build self-government for the people in a society without oppressed or oppressors.
It is guided by 4 central principles:
- Autonomy.
- Direct Action.
- Mutual support.
- Radical Democracy.
It affirms the following as legitimate methods
- Land occupations.
- Acts and demonstrations.
- Building community spaces and activities to improve life.
It is affiliated locally to the Federation of Grassroots Organizations of Ceará (FOB-CE) and nationally to the Federation of Revolutionary Syndicalist Organizations of Brazil (FOB).